Murata manufacturing samsung

My wife new Note mac address appears to come from Murata. Is it normal for Samsung phone to be recognised from other manufacturer? I have a mac address for murata manufacturing showing up on my ip scan.

My phone shows the brand as murata manufacturing who on earth are they ? My phone is an official branded phone from clove so who actually . MAC Address: 00:13:E0:9B:11:(Murata Manufacturing Co.) Warning: OSScan may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 . Murata’s RF products, modules and multi-band devices as well as sensors, low-loss capacitors and power inductors are perfectly suited for Smartphone device .

Part numbers starting with SAMSUNG S(hits). Samsung’s Galaxy Sstands accused of having a plastic buil but what. RF front end; Murata KM42200(likely Wi-Fi module); . Ltd is a Japanese manufacturer of electronic components, based in Nagaokakyo, Kyoto.