På engelska kallas det även CRI, vilket står för Colour Rendering Index. Det bygger på mätmetoder som utarbetats av International Commission for Illumination, . A color rendering index (CRI) is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colors of various objects faithfully in comparison with an ideal .
CachadLiknandeÖversätt den här sidanAccording to surveyed specifiers (Table 1), the most useful measure of a light source’s color characteristics is color rendering index (CRI). The color rendering index (CRI) has been used to compare fluorescent and. In the meantime how should we use CRI when it comes to LEDs?
We know that even the most brightly colored object, if taken into total darkness, loses its color.
Read about the lighting concept of color rendering index, which illustrates how a light source makes color appear to human eyes, as well as color shades. What is meant with it, is it a good measure, what does it mean in practical terms and how is the relation . Because the term CRI tends to cause a fair amount of confusion among everyday consumers when it comes to choosing the best light source for their needs we .