The breakthrough Planar LookThru Transparent OLED display showcases dynamic or interactive information on a transparent surface glass. Our InnovationsCachadLiknandeÖversätt den här sidanTransparent OLED is a breakthrough transparent display technology that displays dynamic or interactive information on a transparent surface glass. Transparent displays aren’t really new in the technology industry, but this year at CES we’re seeing some pretty amazing examples of them.
Lumineq Thin Film Electroluminescent (TFEL) displays comprise a solid-state glass panel, an electronic control circuit . Transparent LCD Screen – Pro Displayprodisplay. CachadLiknandeÖversätt den här sidanTransparent LCD screen technology (4K on our version) opens up new creative avenues that were previously closed with traditional LCD screens. Transparent LCD display – see through monitors are the future of retail – Evoluce transparent display solutions.
Transparent flexible displayBringing imagination to reality. Transparent flexible display is something you may have seen in Sci-Fi movies.