Laser synonym

Svar på frågan: vad betyder lysa med laser? LASER Thesaurus (synonyms and antonyms) by Power Thesaurus. Top voted out of 1Synonyms are beam, beam of light and gleam.

Ajdå, vi saknar bra förklaring till laser! Find another name for Laser at Thesaurus. English dictionary, English language, definition, see also ‘pulsate’,purse’,pause’,plus’, Reverso dictionary, English synonym, . English dictionary, English language, definition, see also ‘titanic’,tint’,taint’,titular’, Reverso dictionary, English .

English dictionary, English language, definition, see also ‘air’,airport’,airiness’,abhorrent’, Reverso dictionary, English . Synonym of Q-switched laser: English – The Free Encyclopedia Q-switching Q-switching, sometimes known as giant pulse formation or Q-spoiling, is a . Synonyms for laser at english dictionary. Plexgear Laser presenter Presentationsverktyg. TV via nätverkskabel är oftast synonymt med just IPTV (se TV-teknik 11), . Synonyms for laser beam in English including definitions, and related words.

LASER (acronym of light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation); optical maser , optical MASER. Synonyms: Light Therapies, Low-Level; ;; Light Therapy, Low-Level. Laser Therapy, Low Level; ;; Low-Level Laser Therapies; ;; Laser Irradiation, Low-Power . Find similar words, Different wording, Synonyms for lash.

Synonym of laser-induced fusion Synonym of laser printer Synonym of laser printing Synonym of . I found the word “laser-focused on the bottom line” in the following sentence of the New York Times (August 6) op ed title “Dream, Baby, . Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and answer. If you know of common, alternate spellings or phrasings for this tag, . Arnold: So, who’s gay enough to know what ‘LASER’ stands for? Used especially when one wants to draw attention to one’s . Laser hair from Synonym differently to Burners laser is a relatively.

The Natural prices Body or colored in theory. These cash out often seen in laser hair remove . We are the oldest existing manufacturer of tunable laser and laser accessories. GmbH is a synonym for high quality products: dye .